2024 the Reading Adventure Continues
Reading is a hobby, it’s a passion, it’s a love. And amazingly it’s being passed on to our boys who were gifted Kindles for the holidays and are constantly adding new things to be read. Yes, I know I was a HUGE proponent of reading “real” books. I also have shelves and shelves of unread “real” books and boxes of books that I have read. I’m not trying to flip flop on you, I’m pivoting (another favorite word) to what has proven to be exponentially easier for every day and quite honestly for travel. This is not to say I won’t read a “real” book every now and then as I remain a committed Book of the Month subscriber, but I’m saying it seems to be easier to read on my Kindle not only for my eyes but for the ability to easily always have it with me.
The next challenge is how in the heck am I going to document books read this year??? I was consistent about updating my blog last year until about June and then the wheels fell off the cart. I have since gone through and provided reviews for most of the books that I read in 2023. I’m moving to electronic journaling and planning for 2024 and along with that came my introduction to Goodnotes. I’m using the platform to keep track of books and to create reviews. It’s still a work in progress so there might be some adjustments as the year goes on.
So, what’s on the horizon for 2024. My goal is to read 80 books. Again, I would like to read a book that starts with every letter of the alphabet. It’s a fun challenge. This year I’m also embarking on The Ultimate Reading Challenge. There are twenty-five prompts and challenges to complete throughout the year along with little prizes within. Think attend a book club or go to an author event. Read a childhood favorite. I’m excited to give this a try. Really, what I need is about a week on the beach with a fruity cocktail and a huge stack of books. But, since this is real life I will continue to squeeze reading in around mumming, working and all the other things.
After much consideration I think that the easiest way to keep track of the books read this year is in chronological order. At the end I will keep a running list by letter of the alphabet in case you are looking for a book that beings with a particular letter. Each year I experiment a little more with the “best” way to do this and somehow keep coming up with new ways. Hopefully this will work for this year! Check back for updates…hopefully more frequently than 2023 or better yet follow along on Goodreads or Instagram (@KJoyBlav).
Book 1- The Lost Apothecary
Book 2 The Amazing Grace Adams
Book 3

Running Alphabetical List of 2024 Reads
Amazing Grace Adams
Confessions of a forty-something f##k up
The Lost Apothecary