October and November 2022 Books in Review
Since it is November 27 when I am sitting down to put together my October books in review it seems logical to combine October and November into one post. October was a super busy “life” month which translated to a super slow reading month. Granted I ran a marathon and had a major event at work, but I only read three books. I got really close to finishing a fourth but I just didn’t make it. I should note one of the three books that I read was 688 pages, so that should really count for at least two to two and a half books. In November I more than made up for my “slow” reading October. I love finding some extra time to read!
Eight Hundred Grapes, by Laura Dave (September 27-October 2)

Dave became one of those authors that I wanted to read her “backlist” of books. While this was a good book, it fell short of great and wasn’t my favorite by Dave. I gave it a solid 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars. This book did inspire me to want to visit wine country.
The Winners, by Fredrik Backman (October 2-October 23)

I have been waiting and waiting for the final book in the Beartown series from Backman. His books are nothing short of amazing and The Winners did not disappoint. While it was 688 pages long and it took me the better part of the month to read…life got in the way. Backman has this amazing way to pull at your emotions in ways you didn’t think possible by a book. I finished this one when the boys were out, so they missed my full on ugly crying. Another 5 stars for Backman!
It Starts with Us, by Colleen Hoover (October 23-October 24)

Colleen Hoover has the amazing ability to write a book that must be read in basically a day. It Ends with Us, the prequel to It Starts with Us, was an emotional tear jerker for sure and I couldn’t wait to read the next chapter in Atlas and Lily’s lives. The much anticipated sequel was again full of raw emotion, but some unanticipated twists and turns along the way. Another 5 star Colleen Hoover rating!
The Ex Hex, by Erin Sterling (October 24-November 1)

Not once in a 1000 years did I think I would be reading a book about witches. Witches?? Erin Sterling is really Rachel Hawkins. She writes under a pen name?! Who knew. I love her other books and I was intrigued by the synopsis of a Halloween themed, romance books. I’m so glad that I gave it a try!! This was a fun, light read especially for Halloween week. I highly recommend giving this one a read!
The Kiss Curse, by Erin Sterling (November 10-November 11)

Two witch- romance books in one month? But of course. The reason I learned about The Ex Hex was because this new book The Kiss Curse was coming out and I picked them both up from Book of the Month. This is the beauty of Book of the Month, getting introduced to new books, new authors and thinking outside the box with the books that I select. I devoured The Kiss Curse in just about a day, so it’s fair to say that it was a quick and fun read. Thank you Erin Sterling for giving me two fall favorites!!
The Family Game, by Catherine Steadman (November 11-November 18)

After two witch themed romance books I thought I would go back to my wheelhouse of thriller/mystery genre books. This was my 24th Book of the Month book on the year. It was intense. It was interesting. But, I would say that it was just good, not great. I’m not disappointed that I read it, but I won’t necessarily seek out other books by Steadman when I already have so many on my TBR list.
Desert Star, by Michael Connelly (November 20-November 23)

Michael Connelly is one of my must read authors. I’ve read all of his books. Bosch and Ballard are two of my favorite characters and I had my calendar marked for when this book was released. I made the mistake of starting it the week of Thanksgiving. I got completely sucked into the book and found myself preparing Thanksgiving dinner and unable to put the book down. Another gem by Connelly. A who done it, with political spins and a tug on heartstrings. 5 stars, must read!
In a New York Minute, by Kate Spencer (November 25-November 25)

After an intense and emotional read with Desert Star, I needed a feel good romance book and In a New York Minute did not disappoint. The Friday after Thanksgiving was basically my recovery from the crazy week day and I plowed through this book. It left me smiling. This sat for my TBR shelf for way too long. I wish I had read it sooner, but so glad I finally read it.
Something Wilder, by Christina Lauren (November 26-November 30)

I’ve been working to get through some of my “older” TBR books. Something Wilder is one of those books. The dynamic duo of Christina and Lauren combined a little mystery with a romantic book. It’s a winning combination. I promptly went and ordered some additional Christina Lauren books for winter break. Stay tuned because you’ll hear more from me about their books in the coming weeks.