Marathon Training Week 10
This is the last week of building miles before the taper. It’s hard to believe that last year the thought of running 34 miles in a week seemed impossible and I’ve run more than 30 miles a week for the last nine weeks! What is seeming impossible right now- a 20 mile training run. This is the last major long run before the marathon. While the training plan calls for 16 miles, it suggests that if this your first rodeo that you run 20. While this would make more sense if I wasn’t running my actual marathon virtually, I’m sticking with it and doing the 20 mile run.
Monday, September 28

How does never miss a Monday go on a Fasting holiday?? It goes nice and easy for two miles. I walked one mile on the treadmill and then did two miles nice and easy. I “cheated” and drank my normal “green cocktail” of Arbonne greens, Fizz, Skin Elixir and Digestion Plus. I can’t imagine a day without this combination. My thinking was also that I planned to run my twenty mile run on Tuesday when the boys were at school.
Tuesday, September 29

I was set to run 20 miles today. I laid everything out the night before. I had my Huma Gel nutrition packed. Water bottles filled. Plan was to drop the boys off at school and then hit the pavement. On the way home from school the text came about a teacher needing to go home could I come back to sub. Eek, I really wanted to run but I also wanted to sub. I got home and ran out the door to get two miles in before I showered and heading back to school. On the plus side my running streak continues and with a flexible training plan I don’t have to “feel bad” that I didn’t miss a schedule run because there is give and take in plan. Truth be told running 20 miles after a fasting day is a poor idea. Additionally, it was HUMID Tuesday morning and more than 70 degrees. It just wasn’t meant to be. The weather towards the end of the week looks much cooler and less humid. Long run will happen, just another day.
Wednesday, September 30

Last day of the month. Another sub day on the books. Translation early morning run on the treadmill while watching Bosch Amazon! While the overall mileage goal for the week is 34 miles and a 20 mile run is still in the wings I don’t need to do a lot of additional miles. That said I need a good run to start the day. The endorphins make me a much better person to be around. Just ask my kids or my husband! 😉 So it was up at 5:00 and on treadmill. To mix things up I utilized one of the programs. This allowed me to get a mixture of incline and a varied speed. I got a little bit of lifting in too so it was a successful morning!
Thursday, October 1

Today is the day…twenty miles here I come. The weather was much better than when I originally planned to run on Tuesday, however I would have loved for it to be a little bit cooler. Goals for this run: 1) practice nutrition using 2) work on hydration, 3) pace of 9:00-9:15 minutes per mile. The morning was busy so I didn’t start my run until after 10:00. This wasn’t all bad though because it allowed me to eat and digest before hitting the road.
I wore my Spibelt with my usual water bottles, but then added another water bottle in the pocket of my Zyia Active Hustle Shorts. While the shorts can more than handle the water bottle, it changes my gait so I ultimately ditched the water bottle at a friend’s house. Anyway, back to the run. I managed to keep the pace steady and within my goal range. I modified my route mid run so I experienced a different section of roads. This was actually a nice change of pace! My heart rate remained within range and I felt really good for the first 10 miles. I felt good for the next 5 miles and then I realized I needed more water. As in, I was already dehydrated. I made a stop at home around mile 18 and drank a lot of water. I likely should have called it a day there but I was determined to run the twenty. So I got the final two miles done. Wow- I ran 20 miles!!
So what did I learn: 1) I really need to use nutrition every 45 minutes. Had I used another Humagel I would have felt a little bit stronger for the final 5. 2) I’ll be wearing my Camelbak for the Virtual Marathon. I had a whole elaborate plan for stashing water bottles in friend’s mailboxes but I think I’d rather just wear the water and know that I have it with me. I will however, stash a couple of water bottles with my Phytosport Electrolyte mix to keep my electrolytes in balance. 3) I should slow down another 15 seconds or so per mile to make those last six miles a little more enjoyable. And most of all…I CAN AND I WILL COMPLETE THE VIRTUAL NYC MARATHON!
Big question I’m sure- how did I feel after the run? I was definitely dehydrated and my electrolytes were off. I was able to rectify that pretty quickly with water, Post Workout from Arbonne, shhh don’t tell but a Coke Zero for the caffeine and sodium and a bag of pretzels. I’m not going to lie, I had to rally to get in the car to get the boys from school. I thought parking and walking up would make the most sense so I could loosen up my legs. Longest walk…EVER. Oh, and my left knee was definitely not quite right. Sigh.
Friday, October 2
I had grand plans to continuing my running streak indefinitely. I truly thought I would be able to run the day after I ran 20 miles. I know, I know I’m laughing at myself too. But here’s the deal, my hips felt great, my calves and glutes felt great. I could have run, but for some really pesky left knee pain. I actually even tried. Got to the end of the driveway and called it. I really needed to reevaluate my expectations of my body. So instead I did some heavy arm work and walked the dog. I kept my body moving by didn’t over do it. I iced my knee and took some Advil. I adjusted my mind to the fact that I do not need to run every single day and listening to my body is more important. Every step of this process is important and will come in handy when racing returns and I really get to run a marathon. But until then I run and I learn how to do it better!

Saturday, October 3
The weather was perfection. My knee- still not quite right. But working/running has become a crucial part of each and every day. So I began my day like every other and got dressed into my workout gear and headed into the basement. I got my sweat on with Tracy Steen. A combination of HIIT and strength training for the win. But I couldn’t just leave it there. I did a slow and steady two miles on the treadmill as a “test.” I was “testing” to see if something was truly wrong with my knee of if I just tweaked it a little bit. Conclusion- I believe it’s just tweaked and I promise to take Sunday off from running.
Sunday- October 4
I haven’t taken a true rest day in several months. We took advantage of the beautiful weather to get pumpkins and mums to decorate for fall. It was also time to say see you later to training wheels for my oldest. So I didn’t do any formal exercise to start the day. The weather however was too nice to pass up. So I decided I would go for a 30-40 minute walk and that’s just what I did. I was so tempted to run a little but I kept my promise to myself that I would not run today. No running, but a 2.6 mile walk made me feel good!
Week in review:
I started the week lighter running to gear up for my twenty mile run. I ran twenty miles!! After running twenty miles it was necessary to show myself some grace and not to push myself to injury. While this week called for 34 miles- I finished the week with 30.3 miles. That said this was far from a typical week- 20 mile run, two sub days and a fasting holiday. So I’d call it a success.
Let the taper begin!! Less than two weeks to race day!
I run for those who can’t. #endalz