Marathon Training-Week 11
Well, this week of training looks a little bit different for a few reasons. Reason number one- it’s TAPER time. Time to rest those legs a little bit so they are fresh for “race” day. Truth- I stink at taper. I’m not great at dialing it back when I’m all revved up and ready to go. BUT, since I tweaked my knee a little bit during my twenty mile run I’m seemingly forced to take it easy and properly taper. Amazing how that works, isn’t it?? I made the executive decision not to do the speed work that my training schedule identifies as the key effort this week. Speed work doesn’t allow me to “baby” my knee a little. Mileage goal is twenty-six miles. My plan is to get the twenty-six miles in during the week but honestly will be pleased if I get a few solid five plus mile runs in without any serious pain.

Monday, October 5
It was a buys morning- errands, flu shot, etc. My knee while feeling better is still not completely “normal.” I decided to keep it to the treadmill so I could control pace and not have the severity of the pavement. Started with a one mile while to warm up and test the waters so to speak. Then I moved into a very controlled, nice and easy three mile run. I was less concerned with pace and more concerned with overall how I was feeling. Knee felt good- I wouldn’t say great. But I’ll take it.

Tuesday, October 6
Another busy morning! Parent’s Association Meeting at 9:00 and subbing starting at 11:30 meant that I had to get my workout in BEFORE dropping the boys off at school. I started with a half hour of strength training, focusing on my upper body and finished it up with a two mile walk. While it’s not quite the same as getting my run in, I still felt accomplished before truly starting my day and getting the boys off to school!
Wednesday, October 7

Geez, this is a busy week. Today I have a much overdue eye exam!! You know what that means another early morning of getting up and getting it done before taking the boys to school! That also meant getting on the treadmill. I’m so thankful for our Covid treadmill purchase. The upgrade to a newer machine has been much appreciated. Decided to focus on distance today and see if I could get up to five comfortable miles on my knee. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. They weren’t fast but they felt good. T-10 days to the marathon…this is really going to happen!!
Thursday, October 8
In case you missed the common theme of the week….it was busy!! Another morning PA meeting meant either getting up at the crack of dawn to run or waiting until after my meetings to run. I opted for the later because I wanted to run outside rather than on the treadmill. I didn’t really have a definite distance planned. The goal was 3-5. 5 miles done! Felt good. Pace was good. Single digits to race day!
Friday, October 9

Sub day! 5:00 wake up to hit the treadmill. I like to mix it up with a program every now and then so it isn’t just straight running so that’s what I did today. Four quality miles before heading to school. Feeling like I’ll really going to be ready next week for 26.2. It still seems completely crazy to run a marathon solo- but you know what- let’s do it!
Saturday, October 10

The weather was perfection. The calendar suggested 5 miles and that’s what I had planned to run when I left the house. But I felt good. Pace was good. Weather was good. That meant I called home mid-run to say I’ll be a little bit longer. Rock n Roll was doing a Remix Challenge this weekend of a 5K and a 12K. The 5K was more than covered yesterday so I figured if I was thinking about five I may as well run 7.5 to complete the challenge. Mentally, I knew that having one more longer run in before having a light taper week would be reassuring that I was feeling good. So 7.55 it was and it felt GREAT!!
Sunday, October 11

Sunday- family fun day!! Today we headed to Lums Pond State Park as a family to meet up with a friend for a socially distanced outside outing. The boys loved it and I enjoyed it much more since I wasn’t trying to run over tree branches!! By the time we got home it was mid-afternoon and the rain had started falling. I had just under two miles left to complete my weekly mileage goal so I hit the pavement with the light rain falling. Nice and easy two miles to complete the week! Looks like I have another running streak going…day 5!
So the last week of training is coming. I’m physically and mentally prepared (I think) to crush my 26.2 on Saturday. My family has been super supportive the entire time and the boys are now really excited to create the perfect “finish line.” While it will certainly not be NYC stay tuned for next weeks re-cap when I will (fingers crossed) be a marathoner!!
I run for those who can’t. #endalz