Marathon Training Week 9
Less than a month until the Virtual NYC. Feeling good, but I also still can’t believe I’m really going to run 26.2 miles all by myself!!

Monday- September 21
My goal each week is to focus on my key effort for the week on Monday. That way I know that the rest of the week I can be flexible and make up the miles any way that suits my schedule. Now that I’ve added substitute teaching into the mix it’s even more important to get those key efforts done on days I know that I’m not subbing.
Monday morning after drop off I didn’t have enough time to get my run done before having to bring Ruby to the vet to get her stitches removed. So that meant I wasn’t going to get to run until closer to 11:00. Key effort for the week SPEED WORK. While speed work remains one of my less favorite things to do, it’s definitely growing on me. This week is 1 mile warm up, 800×8 at 8:00 per mile pace, 400 at 10:00 per mile pace in between and then another 1 mile cool down. Total number of miles run 8. While it was work, it felt like a huge accomplishment to start the week.
Tuesday-September 22
Remember when I said getting the key run done early in the week was important because I never know when I’m going to sub. Well, that’s good because I subbed today. Which mean I got up before the sun- ran three miles on the treadmill and managed to get 20 minutes of arms and core work done too. Again, the flexibility of the plan is key to get the word done around the time available. I’ve never had a lot of time to get my workouts in- but to do it before getting the boys to school and subbing means extra early mornings.

Wednesday-September 23
No subbing today so I’m running after I drop the boys off at school. That means no time pressure to get my run done and I can go longer and enjoy being outside. My Garmin struggled to find the GPS tower and was then all messed up when I was done. Basically, it suggested I had run for 24 hours. It was a mess. The run however was amazing. A friend called around mile three and I learned that I can run and talk on the phone at the same time. I have no idea what it really sounded like on her end (i.e. was there a lot of deep breathing?) but I didn’t look at my watch once and had some of my fastest splits because I was totally distracted. A great outdoor run for 5.6 miles.
Thursday-September 24

Planning ahead with today’s run…translation I’m subbing tomorrow so I need to run longer today to switch out the runs. I had originally planed to run three miles but instead made it five. I was also knee deep in holiday prep so I didn’t go to run until after 11:00. While overall it was a good run, it didn’t feel nearly as good as the day before. But you know what? Not every run is going to feel perfect. Each run and every mile is important. There are so many factors coming at us each and every day that can change how a run feels. No need to focus on the runs that don’t feel perfect- just be happy to get the run done!
Friday- September 25

It’s a subbing day! Which means I was up at 5:00 AM to get on the treadmill before heading out the door to school. Back to watching Bosch Amazon. I’m almost out of episodes!! Eeek. I’ll have to find something else to distract me on the treadmill until the next season is released. I cranked out the Rock n Roll Philadelphia 5K to start my day. Boom. Run steak is up to 126 days and counting!
Saturday-September 26

Rock n Roll 10K on the agenda for today. It’s warmer and definitely humid- yuck! I much rather run with a chill in the air. Half way through my run my stomach was not happy. I’m not particularly sure why but I had to make a decision with two miles left- head home and to the bathroom or push through the run. I opted to head home. I literally ran into the house. Boys “you’re back.” Me: “But I’m not done- heading back out!” After a quick visit at home I was back out to finish up my mileage and feeling much better. This is why I create crazy routes that allow me to never be more than a mile and a half from home.
Sunday-September 27

Rest day- right? Nice and easy two miles to finish up a little over the target of 32 miles for the week. Total distance on the week 33.1. Total distance for the year 932.7 miles on the year. I’m ahead of pace for my new target goal of 1255 miles and feeling good!
Week 10 of Marathon training is up next. Stay tuned as I tackle my longest training run to date 20 miles!!
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