Virtual Racing to the rescue
Understandably, we are seeing many cancellations as Covid crisscrosses the globe. I feel terribly for those brides-to-be who have planned so much to have to have a private ceremony or need to reschedule, the high school and college seniors who aren’t going to have a traditional end to their year or graduation, and for our children who must adjust to a new normal as they and our teachers navigate the world of virtual teaching.
If you are part of the running community you are also experiencing race cancellations, postponements and races being converted to virtual runs. I know in comparison to the other major cancellations and life disruptions this might seem minor. But if you are a runner, who has been training these cancellations are huge. Many of us feel lost as we find ourselves mid-training cycle not quite sure what to do. Listening to Run Lift Mom’s podcast on what to do if your race was cancelled help shift my mental focus.
Ironically, I listened to Run Lift Mom as a ran my first virtual race! I followed my pre-race routine which included a flat lay. If you didn’t take a flat lay did the race happen?? I wore my bib and my themed shirt. It was silly. But it was important.

I happened to be at my sister’s in Arizona. So we ran the trail behind her home. Our kiddos stood out in the yard and cheered us on as we ran by. When done we enjoyed a post race adult beverage. Why was all this important?? 1) My boys knew I was supposed to race. Remember, they are always watching. So I thought it was important to them to see that we still ran. 2) It was supposed to be a fun thing that I was doing with my sister and her sister-in-law/aunt. We made the most of it. 3) While silly, testing different racing gear before a “real” race is important. I’ve been wanting to try out the hustle shorts for a race and this gave me a chance. 4) It was cathartic to run the trail, which is completely different than running on the road which I’m used to. I recognize that this was a little different because while the run itself moved virtual I still completed the event with others. So it was kind of like a hybrid experience.

Unless you are part of an in person running group for many runners our support comes from family, but also from an online running community. We’ve been virtually supporting each other for years? This is our moment to shine.
For example, if you had the chance to read my RunDisney Race Recap, you’ll learn that much of my inspiration to start running again came from Brenda Ster and the other fabulous ladies in Suite Runners. Day in and day out we share our running highs and lows. Right now we are getting creative and sharing in virtual runs. Many in the group were scheduled to do the WonderWoman 5K/10K in Tempe on March 21. With the race cancellation we all shared in a Virtual 5K. Throughout the day we shared our pictures after we finished. Some ran for the first time in a long time. Many considered it their first event. It’s an amazing way to get moving, connect with others and share

Given the option between not racing at all or virtual racing the opportunity to race virtually is a blessing. Are you likely to have a personal record (PR)? Probably not, but you never know. You do get to share the experience with your online community. It fulfills a need to get out and run and share!!
Here’s the deal, if you’ve already paid for many races this year that are getting postponed, cancelled, becoming virtual (that’s me!) you don’t necessarily want to pay to register for additional races to have the virtual racing experience. But what if I told you that you could have the ability to have four virtual races for FREE??? Run to the Edge has put together a virtual run series Un-Canceled Project.

How’s it going to work?? First of all it’s FREE!! Each week in April you’ll complete a virtual race. You choose the distance. Why do I think this is so important?? A variety of races have been cancelled. Maybe you were going to run a 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon or an Ultra Marathon. You can get the closure for that race by selecting your distance.
What else is super cool about this virtual series?? Each week as a theme. Gratitude, Hope, Humor and Inspiration.
* Wear something blue the day of your virtual race.
* This week share the little things make life wonderful. Post about family, love, a warm place to sleep, food on your table, a body that is able to do a virtual race, etc.
* During your race focus on being grateful and post the bib you earn with the things that top your gratitude list.
* Wear something green the day of your virtual race.
* This week share the things that give you hope. Post quotes, stories, videos, etc. that help restore your faith in humanity.
* During your race, focus on your personal sources hope. Post the bib you earn with what inspires you most.
* Wear something orange the day of your virtual race.
* This week share anything (please be appropriate) that makes you giggle. Post your all time favorite meme, video, or pun to the group to make each other laugh.
* During your race do something silly. Wear a mismatched outfit, do a cartwheel, sing out loud to the music in your headphones, or anything you can think of to bring a smile to your face and others. Post the bib you earn with what you did or your favorite source of humor.
* Wear something teal the day of your virtual race.
* This week share what inspires you. Post quotes, stories, videos, or anything that you find inspirational. Tag the friends who inspire you as well.
* During your race focus on your sources of inspiration and post the bib you earn with what or who inspires you most.
So who is going to join me. Run or walk. Pick the distance. Spread the gratitude, hope, humor and inspiration!!
Do you know of other virtual runs that you want to share?? Comment below and I’ll include them for everyone to see!