I’ll never run a marathon or so I said

In February of 2019, I set out a plan to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon in 2020. Along the way, I began adding more races along the way. August 2019, a twelve miler the Charles Street 12, October 2019, the Baltimore Half Marathon and some 5Ks and 10Ks along the way. During the Baltimore Half the half marathoners met up with the marathoners along the way. And all I kept thinking was I can’t imagine running a marathon.
Then I was in New York the week before the New York City marathon. The energy was palpable. I carefully studied the race route. Then I saw posts on social media and became obsessed with the marathon. I learned you could run for charity. The wheels started turning. Never say never.
A little bit of history. In 2015 my father was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at the age of 58. Yes, 58. Alzheimer’s continues to rob my father of the prime years of his life. Taking away his ability to remember and do “normal” day to day activities that we frequently take for granted. Not only is the process difficult for him it’s painful for the entire family.
The week after the NYC Marathon I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I still can’t stop thinking about it. So I did what I always do when something is on my mind. I research the heck out of it. And I reach out to my friend Suzy, Runlift Mom to get her opinion. I knew that tackling a marathon is a whole other beast than a half marathon. There are certain things you can fudge on so to speak…i.e. nutrition, stretching, etc. for a half marathon but that is not the case for a full marathon.

I continued my research. I learned that the 2020 is the Fiftieth Anniversary of the marathon. How cool to be part of a historic run??? Again my curiosity continued. You run through all five boroughs and over five different bridges. I learned that you can secure a spot in the marathon by time qualifying (not me) or by lottery. I anticipated that with it being a historic race that the lottery entries would be high. Were they ever. Nearly 185,000 entries for 4200 spot. Wow!! But wait, remember what I said above- you can also run for charity! And you guessed it, the Alzheimer’s Association is one of those charities.
The 2019 NYC Marathon was run on November 3rd. On November 6, I emailed inquiring how I could be part of the 2020 team for the Alzheimer’s Association. Eager much?? Just a little bit. They told me that I was on their list and they would circle back around with me closer to registration. Fast forward to the end of February 2020 and it’s go time. I received the online document to complete agreeing to be part of the team and to fundraise $4000 for the Alzheimer’s Association. In doing so I’ll be part of a team, a community committed to raising fund for the Alzheimer’s Association who will run the 2020 NYC marathon. So this is why you should never say never.
The way I see it- this is the PERFECT time to run a marathon and to have it be my FIRST. See I’m already not saying it’s going to be my only. Both my kiddos will be in school full time for the first time. So it looks like I’ve found a way to fill my “free” time…lots of running!! I’m originally from NY so it’s special to run the NYC Marathon. It’s the 50th Anniversary! And I get to do it for my Dad!! How could I not??
Well, it seemed like the perfect time to train and run for a marathon when I registered on March 8, 2020. But in the weeks to follow the country has been overtaken by COVID 19. We have been home for weeks and there is really no end in sight. There is talk about a Fall resurgence. As a planner, the unknown is difficult!! But I’m going to be optimistic and keep the faith that on NOVEMBER 1, 2020 I’ll be running five boroughs and five bridges in honor of my dad!!
I look forward to documenting my journey along the way. Additionally, if you would like to join the fight to #ENDALZ by making a donation to the Alzheimer’s Association in honor of my father you can do so here: http://act.alz.org/goto/kellyblavatt
Truly no donation is too small. Each and every contribution will help us to get one step closer to find a cure and provide support to those suffering from Alzheimer’s and their families.
Thank you in advance for your support!

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